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Nr. 3, Marcel schreibt: Jupps, der letzte Eintrag in der History ist der Clou ;) schon peinlich..wenn man weiss, dass man gefilmt wird, sollte man auch mal alles vorher durchgehen.. |
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Nr. 4, Daniel schreibt: Auf der youtube Seite gibt es zu dem Video noch ein paar witzige Kommentare: . “where do I get the .wmvfile?” . “I didnt know this is how danish people speak..latin letters and sound is like chinese..” . “thats a sweet video, the dutch have good taste” “god dam your stupid, People in Denmark are called Danes, Dutch people are from the Netherlands, yes they are on the same continent aka europe but they are two completely different cultures/countries separated by a large country called Deutschland.” “oh shit, serious? my bad. :(” . “European. They’re not so uptight about sex and language.” . “Why is the audio backwards?” “haha, this is the best description of the Danish language I’ve heard so far :D” . “Awesome! Looks like a wanker too!! :O” |
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Oder war das alles nur aus Testzwecken? ;)